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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Shanti - Shanti (1971 us / india, wonderful raga folk psych fusion rock)

Indian flavoured hippie folkrock in the mood of Grateful Dead or CSN. Adding instruments such as sarod, dholak and tablas to their regular guitar/bass/drums line-up Shanti created an exotic, rootsy aura, never mind the spiritual lyrics.

From San Francisco, this Californian-meets-India group played a very relaxed mystic blend of music, alternating instrumental cuts with vocal songs. Adding instruments such as sarod, dholak and tablas to their regular guitar/bass/drums line-up Shanti created an exotic, rootsy aura, never mind the spiritual lyrics.

Zakir Hussain also played with Mickey Hart of the Grateful Dead on his Rolling Thunder album.
1. We Want To Be Free (Mike Aydelotte) - 3:16
2. Innocence (Ashish Khan) - 10:45
3. Out Of Nowhere (Neil Seidel) - 3:29
4. Lord I'm Comin' Round (Mike Aydelotte) - 3:03
5. Good Inside (Gary Halpern) - 3:15
6. Shanti (Ashish Khan) - 14:51
7. I Do Believe (Neil Seidel) - 1:30

*Aashish Khan - Sarod
*Zakir Hussain - Tabla, Dholak, Naal
*Neil Seidel - Lead Guitar
*Steve Haehl - Lead Vocal, Guitar
*Steve Leach - Vocal, Bass
*Frank Lupica - Drums
*Pranesh Khan - Tabla, Naal